
Hi 👋, I'm Matt.

I am a full-stack polyglot software engineer with a passion for learning new skills and technologies.

In my spare time I love to play video- and board- games, develop fun ideas and projects, and work on hobbyist electronics projects.

I have been working in software for %s and I have experience with a variety of languages and frameworks, including professional experience with:

See my about page for a more detailed breakdown of my skills.

A few of my favourites projects and posts, and why I love them:

Industry Project: Recap

2019-11-02 - student, web, unrealengine, design, aws, industry-project

Looking back over the industry project, what went well and what could have gone better.

My work on FlexiFeedback for Unreal was the project that set me on my current career path, and I am proud of my younger self's direction with the project and view to the future.


2019-11-02 - student, game, unity, csharp, available

A rhythm game made for Ludum Dare 45, made from the theme "Start with Nothing".

This was my first game jam entry, made with a friend and we had a blast! It's left me with an ongoing desire to participate in more jams!

Kowloon Exigency

2019-11-02 - student, game, design, csharp, unity

Kowloon Exigency is a short top-down shooter made as a level design excercise in a small team

To this day I am especially proud of the slum and office tiles I created for Kowloon Exigency as a display of rich level design.